Meet the buns




Delilah is my only girl and the bunnies name who I say the most. She is my destruction bun, the boss bun, the Queen of  splotts and the queen of my heart. Bananas make her bum twich and she is a greedy guts. She will find a way to be naughty and always outsmarts me with her need for being mischievous! My cats are terrifed of Delilah, all she has to do is look at them and they run away! She is such a sweet girl, she loves a cuddle as is just a sweetheart. Delilah and Oscar live together and they cuddle all day and eat all night! Pair of love buns.




 Brody is my little sweetness. I rehomed him from and unsafe home. When I first got him home, he was so scared and didnt trust anyone and was terrifed of children from his previous home. His nails was the longest i have ever seen on a bunny and he couldn't walk properly. Over the 3 years he has been here he has grown so much confidence and even lets my 5 year give him a fuss on the back. He HATES head rubs!  He has been with me when i started NBC was there when i was building NBC, all the late nights and long hours, he was there. He is cheif sampler and loves it all! Brody and I have been though alot recently and I wouldn't of coped without him. He is a tough bunny a I love him so much!



 Oscar is my little sweety pie! He was rescued with his brother Otis and when i got them both home he did the biggest flop and binkies. I think he knew he was safe and home. He dosent let his pass get to him and loves everyone and wants all the cuddles and headrubs you can give. He is such a lovely bunny with an even better personality! He loves to destroy toys and loves his food! Oscar is now bonded with Delilah and he loves her so much, he is a snuggly boy with a cheeky streak in him. 



Jax is my newst bun. I rescued him from Greatfield small animal rescue. He was very shy and quite when he first arrived here but since he has settled in his cheeky self has come out. He always comes running over to greet me at the door. He LOVES a head fuss, he melts when you give him one. He has taken a while to learn how to play with toys properly but now he knows no toy is safe. I am planning on bonding Jax with Brody, they are currently next to each other in separate pens and are always next to each other. I am very confident they will bond!



Rainbow Bunnies


 Bella is the reason i am bunny mad. She was my 1st rabbit 13 years ago and left such a imprint on me, I know i always need rabbits in my life. I learnt so much while owning Bella. She was a force to be wreconed with and always won! She loved all women but didnt like men. If you was a man you had to reallt gain her trust, and it would take years. She was learning to trust my husband, the only mad she really trusted a bit. She and i had such an amazing bond. Everynight she would scratch at my bed covers untill i lifted them up and she would hop under and flop next to me. She was there for me through alot and i still miss her everyday. She made me who i am and i am forever grateful. 


 Milo, he was Jaspers brother. When i lost Bella my home and heart was so empty, i went to get a new rabbit. Him and Jasper was up for adoption and when i went over to see them Milo hoped over to me and let me stroke him, i knew from that moment i needed him. I think he chose me to look after him. He was the bossy boots and a bit of a lone rabbit. He loved the compnay of other bunnies but from afar. He also loved, when his mood was right, to be in the middle of Jasper and Pepper all snuggled up. He hated anything sylicone and would box, bite and fight it! He had the softest fur, it would go everywhere. He loved looking out the window for hours, and would always eat his hay the most awkward way. He was also an angry lion head but only a single mane so i now believe the bigger the mane the angryier they bun!


 I only had Luna for 4 months as she passed away at 6 months under anaestheic while getting spayed. I got Luna For Pepper as a friend and she and Pepper loved each other so much. Luna used to break into Pepper pen and snuggle with him. She was a shy bunny but i was slowly gaining her trust. Luna had a lovely personality that she was just starting to show before she passed away. She was a beautiful grey / blue colour with amazing grey eyes.


I got Cole to help heal Peppers broken heart from the loss of Luna. Cole was a tiny dot of a bunny. When he was a baby his ears was too long for him, they would be touching the floor, he only slightly grew into them. He was a very shy bunny but once you got his trust he loved nothing more than a stroke on the head. Cole was always a happy bunny. He became deaf and loved to flop in the middle of the room or in a tunnel. My heart couldnt take it when i found him like that as he couldnt hear me call his name. He bonded with Pepper in less that 5 minuets and gave him confidence and love that he needed. He never did anything naughty or mischievous. He was a very good bunny.


Pepper was my heart bunny and i miss him so much. 

Alot of people know Pepper from his E.CUNICULI and headtilt.

When i got Pepper i was told he was " Too agressive to be with any other rabbit ever, and needed to be on a special diet as he cant eat a normal rabbit diet. We have tried everything". Once i got Pepper i took him to the vets for a check over and found he was covered in bite mark and scars. He had been attacked and was so scared of other rabbits he wouldnt eat hay. After a few days of being home he wasn't stressed at started to eat a normal rabbit diet. I eventually intoduced him to Jasper an Milo and he screamed in fear when he seen them as he was so scared.  They all bonded and loved life together. When Pepper was 2 he got E.CUNICULI and headtilt. He had to learn to walk, eat, drink, stand, hop and jump again all with a headtilt. Pepper never let anything get him down, he was the happiest of bunnies amd loved everyone and all the bunnies loved him so much. He went of a few hoilday with us as he couldnt go on boarding at the time. He loved to explore and love going in the pet carrier. At the start of his E.c journey he was going to the vets 3 or 4 times a week so learnt to love going out.

He was famous in my vets and people would come and say Hello to him and loved him so much!

He educated alot of people with his headtilt a even saved a few lives. He was one in more an a million bunny and I'm so lucky he was mine. I miss him everyday. 



Jasper was my oldest bun and the bunny I had the longest. He had the biggest ears and stomach. The isn't a food this boy didn't like, he would try and eat anything, even if he wasnt allowed it. Jasper was an easy going bunny he could be a bit shy when he first met you but if you had food, he would be your best friend instantly! Fun fact about Jasper is he had no incisors, he had them removed twice! He always helped me feel better and knew when I was upset and will come over for a headrub. He was my therapy bunny. Jasper had been with me though alot of life changes. He helped heal my heart so many times, been there when I was single then with I moved in with my then boyfriend, he helped me with Pepper, when i had my first son,  there when i lost my mum, when i got married, and there when I had my second child. He had been there though the highs and the lows. He passed away on easter sunday and my heart hasn't healed since. I miss you Jasper.




Was my little angry ball of fluff. I had never been as scared by a rabbit as i was with Otis. I rescued him and his brother Oscar, from an awful life. He was a double main lionhead and i joke he was as angry as his mane is majestic! He only liked people when he was in the mood and was a very vocal rabbit. I called him my velociraptor! He could be the sweetest bunny but would bite you when he is done! His favorite pass time was sitting as a loaf and judinging you while looking so cute! Otis was a lovely rabbit once you spend time with him and gained his trust. It could be easily lost by him but he was a curious bunny and would come over for food and if you was lucky enough, he would let you give him a head rub! Otis passed away 2 days after i lost Jasper, He fought a long fight but it was too big of a fight for my boy. I miss his grunts and him so much. My heart is still broken.